ruby-core December 2023
  • 4 participants
  • 188 discussions

[ruby-core:114070] [Ruby master Bug#19753] IO::Buffer#get_string can't handle negative offset
by noteflakes (Sharon Rosner)
1 day, 20 hours

[ruby-core:112304] [Ruby master Bug#19427] Marshal.load(source, freeze: true) doesn't freeze in some cases
by andrykonchin (Andrew Konchin)
4 days

[ruby-core:112873] [Ruby master Bug#19530] `Array#sum` and `Enumerable#sum` sometimes show different behaviours
by dstosik (David Stosik)
4 days, 3 hours

[ruby-core:114403] [Ruby master Feature#19840] [Proposal] Expand Find pattern to Multiple Find
by FlickGradley (Nick Bradley)
4 days, 8 hours

[ruby-core:115014] [Ruby master Bug#19920] Ruby 3.1 fails to build with --enable-shared on macos-arm64: is an incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', need '')
by Eregon (Benoit Daloze)
1 week, 3 days

[ruby-core:115196] [Ruby master Feature#19979] Allow methods to declare that they don't accept a block via `&nil`
by ufuk (Ufuk Kayserilioglu)
1 week, 5 days

[ruby-core:115923] [Ruby master Bug#20094] Inline while loop behavior changed unexpectedly in 3.3.0
by sisyphus_cg (Sisyphus CG)
2 weeks, 2 days

[ruby-core:115911] [Ruby master Bug#20089] Fiber#kill transfers to root fiber
by rmosolgo (Robert Mosolgo)
1 month

[ruby-core:111448] [Ruby master Bug#19266] URI::Generic should use URI::RFC3986_PARSER instead of URI::DEFAULT_PARSER
by gareth (Gareth Adams)
1 month, 1 week

[ruby-core:115649] [Ruby master Bug#20050] Segfault on Ruby 3.2.2 on x86_64 Darwin 20 (maybe in Array#hash)
by martinemde (Martin Emde)
1 month, 1 week
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