ruby-core August 2023
  • 2 participants
  • 185 discussions

[ruby-core:114422] [Ruby master Feature#19842] Intorduce M:N threads
by ko1 (Koichi Sasada)
6 months, 1 week

[ruby-core:114072] [Ruby master Bug#19754] `IO::Buffer#get_string` raises unsuitable exception for too large offset
by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada)
6 months, 2 weeks

[ruby-core:111953] [Ruby master Bug#19362] #dup on Proc doesn't call initialize_dup
by zverok (Victor Shepelev)
6 months, 3 weeks

[ruby-core:114338] [Ruby master Bug#19828] Segfault when `OpenSSL::X509::Certificate#public_key=` is given a `OpenSS::PKey::DH` object
by postmodern (Hal Brodigan)
6 months, 3 weeks

[ruby-core:112944] [Ruby master Feature#19541] Proposal: Generate frame unwinding info for YJIT code
by kjtsanaktsidis (KJ Tsanaktsidis)
7 months

[ruby-core:112326] [Ruby master Feature#19430] Contribution wanted: DNS lookup by c-ares library
by mame (Yusuke Endoh)
7 months

[ruby-core:114250] [Ruby master Bug#19778] mkmf.rb pkg_config() interaction with RbConfig::CONFIG["cflags"]
by rhenium (Kazuki Yamaguchi)
7 months

[ruby-core:114399] [Ruby master Feature#19839] Need a method to check if two ranges overlap
by shouichi (Shouichi KAMIYA)
7 months, 1 week

[ruby-core:114574] [Ruby master Bug#19855] Array#bsearch gets wrong result when its block returns a non-integer numeric value.
by kyanagi (Kouhei Yanagita)
7 months, 1 week

[ruby-core:114475] [Ruby master Bug#19845] `Fiber[key] = value` fails if key is not interned.
by ioquatix (Samuel Williams)
7 months, 3 weeks
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